DUCTF Writeups
Last weekend, I heard that there was a Capture The Flag event taking place - Down Under CTF.
Photography in New Zealand
On a vacation in New Zealand, before the plague, I was able to enjoy taking photos of the landscape around me. I have posted a few selections below, with a descriptive accompaniment of bad poetry.
OSCP Thoughts
Many people who have both a blog and the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) certification somehow feel compelled to write a blog post about their experience. I am not immune.
Hack The Box - Bucket Writeup
Bucket is a Medium-tier vulnerable Linux virtual machine, created by MrR3boot.
This post is a follow-up to the creation of my MAC address reader tool.
Hack The Box - Jewel Writeup
Jewel is a Medium-tier vulnerable Linux virtual machine, created by polarbearer.
Hack The Box - Doctor Writeup
Doctor is an Easy-tier vulnerable Linux virtual machine, created by egotisticalSW.
Hack The Box - Compromised Writeup
Compromised is an Hard-tier vulnerable Linux virtual machine, created by D4nch3n.
MAC Address Reader
One day, while in the process of organising some stock for a project at work, I noticed an issue which I later discovered had been wasting some people's time.
Hack The Box - Laser Writeup
Laser is an Insane-tier vulnerable Linux virtual machine, created by MrR3boot & r4j.