SSD1306 oled driver library for 'monochrome' 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs!
Updated 2016-12-05 15:14:04 +11:00
MicroView Arduino Library
Updated 2017-12-29 20:12:52 +11:00
An Arduino library for the MicroView - a chip-sized Arduino with a built-in OLED, available from SparkFun Electronics.
Updated 2018-08-21 23:32:34 +10:00
EtherCard is a driver for the ENC28J60 chip, compatible with Arduino IDE
Updated 2018-08-21 23:43:13 +10:00
AVR is the future. Mainly because it's cheap, it's easy, it lets me purge an entire abstraction layer, it is rather easy, and it's easy.
This is all of the nonsense I've forced into the world that compiles and runs on cheap little Arduino boards.
Updated 2021-08-08 00:24:39 +10:00